Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Language/Bahasa... mana saja.


wow. se7en days to first paper. fuh. mudahan Allah tolong kitani semua, insyaAllah. ameen.

anyway, moving onto a different subject altogether..

I kind of have a bone to pick with, with people who have a problem with people choosing what language they want to speak in. I don't know, I guess I don't understand the cultural backlash of it all but I mean you can't scold somebody for speaking in a language he chooses to express himself with and instead want him to speak the language you want him to. You know?

No disrespect to anybody in particular, honestly. But I was just thinking that it's offensive to tell people that speaking a foreign language is disgraceful. For me personally, I don't choose to speak in English because I am ashamed to speak Malay. And for the record, I do speak Malay as well.. and honestly in my household, I speak about a 1:1 ratio of English and Malay. i didn't allocate such balance intentionally lol, but yeah I guess I like to express myself in both languages and that's okay.

actually the above seemed quite defensive kekekeke. this wasn't based on personal attacks, btw, just something that I find pretty relevant. Anyway the point of the matter is, you might have reasons why you find speaking in foreign languages is degrading to your culture and heritage, but there is no reason to impose such creed upon somebody else. I guess if necessary, it would be good to remind somebody not to forget their roots.. yeah it is pretty necessary actually.. but we need to remember to do so in gentle manners. try reminding with subtlety and not condescendingly. nothing good comes from (negative) sarcasm, right? oops. i think i just tasted my own bitter medicine *looks at blog title*. and yeah i do believe in such a thing called (positive) sarcasm. huhuhu. i'm learning my limits alright? :p

so, it shouldn't be something to look down upon. biartia ya cakap english saja, kalau ya mau. kalau ya mau cakap melayu pun, biartia, maybe lebih baik. kalau ya mau cakap Arab, lagi tia baik kan. yes, language is identity, but you know what else, it's diversity. we recognize the differences but let's try to take the good in them and leave the bad ones behind, insyaAllah. cematu jua lah the deal with Westernisation is relevant here, it's not good to be carried away with adopting Western lifestyle into our households so again, try to take what's positive and leave what's negative. And significantly, culture shouldn't dictate how we live our lives.. culture is.. culture.. it's a huge component in life but what transcends it? islam, of course :D so cakap apa saja language asalkan inda memurkakan Allah.

i guess this is just my two cents in. and yeah, this is advice to me primarily as always speaking to myself before anyone else...... mana kami sedar kadang-kadang.. benda yang kami inda suka arah orang lain.. rupanya ada arah diri sendiri...

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