Friday, February 25, 2011

the consequences of wanting

Assalamualaikum wrb brothers and sisters of whom Allah loves,


want is so easy. because of that, our wants are limitless. and sometimes we fail to appreciate the difference between what we want and what we need, but save that for another post insyaAllah, or even better somebody else who has better insight to share. anyway so, most times, we often think that the thing that constrains us from translating what we want to we can have is the monetary aspect. or non-monetary factors, anything such as that you have no means to get it basically.

but like stated earlier, wanting is so easy. I can want anything I want... but it just means the desire. what is actually difficult is the if I may say, the consequences of wanting. have you ever thought that the reason why you don't have a lot of the things you want is because you're just not ready for theconsequences of wanting? for instance, if I want to be the richest and most powerful person in the world... easy... but do I really have what it takes to become one? To become the richest and most powerful person in the world would not be as easy as one would think... think of Nabi Sulaiman... he had the whole world in his command, by the will and mercy of Allah SWT... He was a very noble man with a very thick iman and taqwa to have not be affected by the wealth and power Allah has given him. and on the other side of the coin, think of Firaun. He had so much in his disposal, yet he was consumed by arrogance and ego he actually convinced himself that he was perfect. So now think again, if we want to be the rich and powerful... which road will we take, Allah knows, we can't even say... and to be honest, the thought is incredibly terrifying.

So I mean, that was probably an extreme example of wanting to be rich and powerful and all, and a lot of our wants might be more middle range than that... who knows, Allah does.. but that's the point you know. We all want all these things, but do we really have what it takes to have them? So at the end of the day, don't be too absorbed with things that you want and take the time to appreciate at what you already have... because at what we already have are responsibilities for us to maintain... and Allah knows until where our capabilities stretch.

Although I'm not saying, stop wanting anything... that'd be silly. But rather you know when we start wanting to have something, let us also ask Allah if we are capable of owning it once He does give it to us. Because really, everything leads to either one or the other; His pleasure or His displeasure.. and I can really speak for everyone when I say that we obviously crave and strive for the former, insyaAllah... so yeah... before becoming hasty about wanting all different things in this life... small or big... a change in the world or whatever it may be... just ask ourselves... are we ready? and really, ultimately, the only thing that constrains us from having what we want... is whether Allah wants to give it to us or not. Forget everything else, He is the source. so really, whatever it is we want in life for now or after, just ask Him straight, ask Him first and He'll either say "yes" or "I got something way better for you" :') Wallahua'lam, Allah knows best. His wisdom is unquestionable and we surrender to His decree, because He is our Creator, and He knows best!

and insyaAllah, I will conclude with sharing Allah's words, the best and the most beautiful speech there is, that is indisputable and completely perfect:

Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned and upon it (the evil of) what it has wrought: Our Lord! do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake; Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us, Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou art our Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people (2:286)

He will not give us anything that we can't handle :') Think about this for a second... not just in the form of hardship and struggle, but even for the 'good' things... you know? there are so many dimensions one can relate to with this ayat depending on our personal experiences and understanding and such, but let me just take one of mine; like for another instance, an example of a collective want (as opposed to the earlier instance of individual want for wealth and power) if we really want to change the state of the ummah, to help this sinking ship, we gotta be ready, we gotta be prepared... until Allah knows that we can handle it. there are so many lessons that can be extracted in this one ayat... and we'd be foolish to turn a blind heart against the most beautiful speech, given to especially us.

all that is good has come from the beauty and mercy of Allah Azza Wajalla, and all that is incomplete, imperfect, flawed and misleading is from my limited knowledge and incapacity, please forgive me for what might have caused offence to you. may Allah protect me from wrong and misguided intentions of this post. may Allah guide us with His light and place the most sincere love for and fear of Him in our hearts, may we be the people who execute the deen of Islam in action and not just through mere words, insyaAllah ameen.
