Wednesday, May 26, 2010

filler chiller.


man how delusional have i been. not studying for almost a week. and went shopping for home before my last paper. and catching up on season finales and whatnot. ridonkulez. once the revision switch dims, it's suddenly too dark to find the switch to turn it on again, numsayen. but must put on essay gear soon, 4 essays in thr33 hours bebs. although it's a seen exam. but no notes. insyaAllah can doooooooooooooo. work + prayers + tawakkal = your job done. insyaAllah. i am preaching to myself btw, as you can probably tell what my studying habits are (excessive breaks - actually 5 hours is excessive, i don't know what 7 days is) uhhh a week? craig david's song? i totals crack myself up *crickets*

anyway i'm super psyched to be home.. insyaAllah will go smoothly.. albeit what I presume will be a bittersweet first week :'( adjust, insyaAllah. can't believe i haven't been in brunei for most of the year... pretty sure things have changed just as much as they haven't changed there, heh. either way, i can't wait to embrace it.

hehe home :) 8th june and then. 4! yayers!!!! :)) insyaAllah.. btw reminder to self mostly.. even though exams are gradually subsiding.................................... don't let all the prayers subside too :( exams, no exams, must spend time with Allah outside of solat (as in not just 5 times a day within 10-30 mins), insyaAllah. take note, hazeerah ariffin!!!

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