Monday, July 12, 2010

what this.. dear octopus has no auspice

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters yang dirahmati Allah!

very the break my language are it not, the title, but i want to mime a rhyme wawawawa :p


i know i'm not usually that chirpy virtual or non-virtual but smiling is definitely something we all need to do more, sunnah kali ahhhhhhhh. so i hope that you all are in a good state of iman and health, insyaAllah. and i know this place is beginning to seem dusty with the lack of updates or even substance, I have a lot of things that I want to write about for months, seriously, but somehow I don't have the articulateness to translate them into words yet. Indeed all my strengths come from my Creator, thus I am weak without my Rabb :) subhanAllah..

i'm starting work attachment today, in about two hours or so! eeeeeeeeeeeek. very i don't look forward to but kalau sudah Allah pilih ana untuk melaluinya, kena perbetulkan niat dan buat KERANA ALLAH first and foremost, insyaAllah. i very the needs to pep talk myself always so i can be in high spirits, mudahan antum semua juga dapat manfaat dari membacanya, insyaAllah. but i will very muchos miss free days and time to go meet friends :) subhanAllah, one of the BEST parts of my holiday. i cannot say it enough how mindblowing the past few weeks have been in a very simple way (despite the grandness that the word suggests).. sigh.. memang semua kurnia Allah.. masyaAllah, very syukur, insyaAllah..

also, in the spirit of... the end of the World Cup, can I just say that I hate the gung ho ness about the octopus? Astaghfirullah. insyaAllah, ana will not directly or indirectly write condescendingly. but I was horrified the second I heard about it, and then I was just sad. Kenapa boleh dunia gegar dengan seekor sotong yang tiada kena mengena dengan kerja Allah? Astaghfirullah. We cannot even have a dot of amazement at the fact that the octopus predicted rightly who was going to win the match. Jangan bro, jangan.. ingat.. REMEMBER... LIVE, BREATHE AND DIE LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH. nikmatilah apa sebenarnya maknanya. I know it's not that people are worshipping the octopus tapi what's behind the message of actually being in awe of it and its "ability"? PERCAYA PADA ALLAH, bukan percaya pada sotong kan! semua datang dari Allah, tanamkanlah dalam-dalam yang hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui.. kitani termasuk sotong, parrot, giraffe dan sewaktu dengannya tidak mengetahui melainkan apa yang Dia kehendaki. Wallaua'lam. Ana afwan kalau ada yang tersalah bahasa, tapi ana harap message yang ana cuba sampaikan ana faham, bukan kerana sindiran atau to ridicule people but insyaAllah kerana peringatan buat semua ESPECIALLY DIRI ANA yang sungguh alpa dan lupa kerana dunia.

taking this from Ustaz Zaharuddin's facebook status:

Spain akhirnya menang Piala Dunia 1-0, terdetik mengharapkanya kalah kerana bimbang, ramai menjadi syirik dek kerana ramalan sotong. Saya juga tidak sokong Holland mengenangkan permainannya yang kotor dan kerajaan barunya dipimpin oleh parti ahli parlimen pereka filem Fitna, Gert Wilders yang membenci Islam.

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