Friday, July 30, 2010

learn to let go with ease of those which are not lasting.


wow how much has time gone by... just makes more sense how temporary this world is, innit? (apehhh ter innit, innit) anyway yeah but insyaAllah, summertime has been exceptionally kind to me... well actually Allah has been exceptionally kind to me, despite the downs I have received since I came back, the ups insyaAllah and alhamdulillah are sufficient not to weigh me down :) wow so merciful kan our Rabb :')

it's just amazing you know, when you take some time to truly think about the outlook of your life since you entered this Earth. and start to acknowledge how wonderful the journey has been, despite some bitter we might have had to swallow along the road, how you have reached to the current path and then wow... seriously, how did I get here? and then it hits how Allah was the one who has been taking care of me all this time and it's MINDBLOWING. how can I neglect that feeling of love and care; the greatest one can ever give to me, one that is not capable by humans? subhanAllah. it's just really crazy amazing when we start realizing how much Allah has taken care of us... especially us who have led relatively easier lives compared to those in Palestine, Iraq, Rwanda, etc. Obviously it's not that Allah did not take care of them just because they led difficult lives, Allah is all the more Knowing so ofcourse we don't have definite answers but all we have to surrender is that we do not know anything except that He has willed us to know, and He knows everything. Even more so, Allah has plans for everyone and surrender more to the fact that He is the best planner of everything and what Allah has decided for each and every one of us is THE BEST OUTCOME, whether it's to our liking or otherwise. take comfort that whatever it is, Allah loves us all, He never harms us, it is ourselves who harm us. subhanAllah.. (check 2:216, 255)

alhamdulillah.. so today will be the last day of attachment, insyaAllah and i have to say that i walk out completely with different perspectives and feelings relative to my last post which was my first day :') it has been a really great experience, met really lovely people and just all around very incredible and sweet the whole thing has been. the working environment was different to what I have been previously exposed to and it's refreshing to be honest. it would have been pretty ideal and sweet and swell if all of us end up working at the same office nanti hehe , but I guess you just have to let some things go when it's time, right? insyaAllah. and insyaAllah this last day will do well also for all 13 of us :') may Allah bless us interns dunia Akhirat insyaAllah, ameen!

oh well praying for more productivity in the path of Allah of course and let us count our days to Ramadhan!!! wowowowow, mudahan Allah pertemukan kami dengan bulan yang paling siuk niiii ameen, insyaAllah. i can't wait for what presents Allah has in store for us this Ramadhan :'))) all praises be to Allah, indeed. all strengths and capabilities are derived from His might and nothing and absolutely nothing is from me :')

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