Monday, February 22, 2010

oh ibu.. engkaulah ratu hatiku.

ya Allah..

ampunkanlah dosa-dosa ibuku..
cucurilah rahmatMu padanya dikubur..
jauhkanlah dia dari azab-azab pedih dan neraka jahanam..
dekatkanlah ibuku ke syurgaMu..
tempatkanlah ibuku bersama golongan orang yang beriman di akhirat nanti..


let me keep my thoughts of pain and love and be them reminders for me. 18 years yet i know for many more to come, i can't ever erase this special place in my heart I have harbored for you. i shall remember you. syukran Allah for enabling me to say my prayers for my mother. and i can only ask that You enable me to continue to do so and insyaAllah grant my prayers for my mother. and, I miss you so dearly :') for the shortest time you took care of me, you remain the most incredible woman to me. i can't ever repay you for the gift you have given me, but insyaAllah i pray Allah rewards you with Jannah. Amin.

the non-existence of our loved ones only make our existence in this world much more valuable. think about it. you are still able to ask for Allah's forgiveness.. they can't.. so dare we have the audacity to not seek Allah when He has given will to do so? ya Allah.. forgive us for our weaknesses and may You continue to guide us onto the most righteous path. Amin.


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