Tuesday, January 12, 2010

brief things.

feeling bits and pieces about (in)significant things. so i'm just going to speak briefly about them.

1. i was going to post about my holiday but then again i didn't want to be descriptive other than just saying that i had a super lovely time but now the fact that i have to roll with the whole lectures-tutorials-assignments shebang sucks.. royally. so we'll just leave it at that.

2. one of my pet peeves is when someone misspells my name as zIrah. call me crazy, but i mean.. how more obvious can I be when all my identities (facebook, twitter, hotmail, gmail, BLOG etc) screams hazEErah? this might seem trivial, yes, but i want you to spell my name right. thank youuu.

3. so much work til the 22nd, i probably can't breathe properly until then. seriously need to DO and not say. numsayen? (i meant my work ethics need no tacky pep talks but more of an effective resurrection)

4. i just watched the new american idol on itv2. havent watched idol on tv since ages i think? pretty entertaining. it still made me laugh. but one thing i don't like about these early auditions is that you get so attached to some voices and faces and then they don't make it through. the letdowns. gosh i feel so tacky though. lolz (and oh yeah they must be milking this season for all its worth more than ever since it's supposedly simon's last season.)

5. erm. so it's um. january.. 13th yeah? so approximately uhhh abuuuuttttt 2 more months to easter holidays. looking forward to that, hillz yayers. in the mean time though.. i nid 2 roll wif de progs.

p.s. how i met your mother. is. excessively made of gold.

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