Monday, December 14, 2009

Choice to listen and decide to be.

you know how life works in two motions; up and down. and to me, the way to deal with those is simply acceptance. and it is not easy, most certainly not especially in reference to experiencing the lowness of life. and i try to take comfort in the genuineness of the situation which is that the lowness of life might not be something that we like yet it's good for us. i am referring to Allah's words to us and we should think that that suffices.

dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah Yang mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya. (2:216)


this heart is weak. this self is not the most righteous. this mind is feeble. i am pretty upset with myself recently. each day i discover that i was withering away from what i was trying to build myself to become.. and i kept telling myself to act fast before i could no longer realize. my attachment to this world will be the death of me if i don't continue to fight it... syaitan has failed to make us submit ourselves to berhala or any other object that seems incredibly ridiculous to refer to as powerful.. but syaitan can easily, and already has and doing so indeed at this right moment, influence us to love this world more than anything and that is poisonous. and i have difficulty in differentiating syaitan's voice with my own.. never there a time we want to live a day that we find no difference between the two :S nauzubillah.

astaghfirullahalazim. astaghfirullahalazim. astaghfirullahalazim.

what holds me together today is my faith. i would crumble down to useless pieces without it. to acknowledge that Allah is always there for me carries me through whatever. i am worthless without my submission to my creator... i need not understand why life has taken me to several different routes that i might have not liked myself to cross; but i do not know what is best for me as Allah does. i made bad choices and for sure, i will again. all that comforts me is that Allah knows me better than i know myself, He's closer to me than I am to my own self and mainly, He intends nothing bad for me, ever..

Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menzalimi manusia sedikit pun, tetapi manusia itulah yang menzalimi dirinya sendiri. (10:44)

Ya Allah.. give me strength to not be deceived by syaitan.. give me Your guidance so i shall not falter towards the wrongest path.. grant me Your blessings in whatever i do in life. and i pray that You bless me with patience.

Tuhan. hadiahkanlah kasihMu kepadaku. kurniakanlah rinduku kepadaMu. mudahan syukurku adalah milikMu.

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