Friday, August 3, 2012

just give it


assalamualaikum wrb,

alhamdulillah, all praises belong to Allah, Lord of all the worlds, ar Rahman ar Raheem.. may Allah forgive our sins, and greetings and salutations upon Rasulullah SAW. 

how's your Ramadan been going? may Allah make ease in all our efforts and accept them in trying this month ameen. 

this month is really about training ourselves, not only from the physical aspect of food and drinks, but rather some restraint of the nafs. we are more likely to take than give, just because maybe taking gives out more pleasure. but hang on a sec, let's ponder a bit about this give and take business. 

i'm going to narrow this discussion down and take money as an example. many of us had been tested with money before, either with an abundance or a lack of it. but you know what, either way, haven't we found ourselves complaining about having not enough, and could be having more? Yep, insatiable. Astaghfirullah. We should always be grateful at what we have, and don't compare your blessings with others, no one but Allah decides who gets how much and the other gets what, we should just look at our plate and thank Him, cause it's when we look at another plate which maybe has more, will we tend to feel ungrateful. may Allah protect us from ingratitude ameen.

but anyway somehow we all love keeping money. sure money is great... it makes life a lot easier. and at every opportunity to get some, we will take with little hesitation but when the moment requires us to give... we think twice. 

subhanAllah, don't we realize that all the money that we have is from Allah SWT, nothing is from us, really... and to be honest, we don't even really own any of it, it's all Allah's, His mercy and love to shower us with such rezeki... and we have to reciprocate with gratitude, which is to spend money for the sake of Allah, in the path of Allah. it is certainly not wrong to buy things for ourselves and stuff, no but what I want to remind ourselves is that we need to also give to the needy, and just generally practise giving. 

this helps us to detach ourselves from money, helps to keep control with our relationship with money, so that the love for money doesn't affect our heart. and also realize that money isn't to be kept, what good is there to keep so much money, not one cent is going to benefit us in the grave or the Hereafter. and also know that spending money for the sake of Allah always benefits us, maybe we see a decreasing bank balance when we spend it on others, but know that we also have an akhirat balance, that when we spend for Allah's sake, oh only Allah knows how much cash just got in! subhanAllah, may Allah reward all our good with plentiful of good in the Hereafter ameen.

and have we ever thought that the reason why Allah gave us in the first place is just so we could give back, to earn His pleasure and make it easy for us to earn jannah points?? bonus! ehehe Allah is the Kindest! 

so let's practise giving this month, and insyaAllah keep firm and steadfast for the rest of the year, and remember to give for Allah's sake has no other outcome but profit :) 

And why do you not spend in the cause of Allah while to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth? (al-Hadid:10)

Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward? (al-Hadid:11)

a reminder for myself first and foremost, and please forgive me if I have said anything wrong, and may Allah protect me from misguided intentions, and may Allah accept this effort from me, and blesses my family with a lot of good ameen. may Allah guide our hearts to give for His sake ameen. 

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