Thursday, March 4, 2010

10 reasons why I love Brunei.

Wheeee I'm on a digressive mode (away from essay writing) so let's roll with 10 reasons why i love Brunei. okay i'm not completely manic, i've been meaning to do this to commemorate national day last week and i'm really trying to be awake in the midst of doing work.

1. FREE HEALTH CARE. don't complain if you have to fork up a dollar for your dentist appointment or whatever because a dollar doesn't even pay for a quarter of a pill in some other countries. and we shouldn't even complain about a long queue because health care is for everyone; you're not the only who are vulnerable to viruses and bacteria and it's free for God's sake, you can't complain.

2. FREE EDUCATION. oh my God. seriously. we don't even get terrible hand me downs textbooks. as i recall, in form 6, we got NEW fresh expensive history textbooks. oh yeah well we needed to return them at the end of every academic year but dude, no exorbitant school fees and resources are provided so easily like that.. masyaAllah. alhamdulillah.

3. PAY NO TAXES. okay, don't go and say "road tax ada jua..............." RELATIVELY, we pay like no tax at all. and so you can also cross tax evasion from that list of potential crimes in brunei.

4. THE SULTANATE. love how islam IS one of the main foundation of this country's administration. Alhamdulillah! come to think the journey our nation had gone through from being known as Poli/Poni founded by Awang Alak Betatar later called Sultan Muhammad Shah circa 1360 (primary school sejarah smack WHOOPA) wow. how much Allah has blessed our country, Allahuakhbar! appreciate what our sultans have had done for us, masyaAllah. their contributions and sacrifices for people of Brunei tend to be underestimated. may Allah bless all our 29 Sultans, Amin. alhamdulillah we were born into a country that has established islamic values.. surely there are many rooms for improvement.. but having those rooms to start with is already pretty good eh? alhamdulillah.

5. NO (EASY) ACCESS TO ALCOHOL. basically this law synchronizes with islamic principles and it makes one "work hard" to buat dosa. so that's discouraging.

6. 80% OF PARKING SPACE IS FREE and even if it does cost... less than 5 dollars bui. in UK, you have to go to a freaking machine to get a parking ticket if you want to place your car under a tree, darn it. see.

5. YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A PLACE TO PRAY masjid bejurit yo inda tercari sudah inda banyak di sini baru mencari... hakikat manusia?


7. (relatively) CHEAP FOOD so much GOOD cuisine in brunei. so much. and at relatively reasonable prices yo. I HEART BRUNEI FOOD although that may constitute THAI, CHINESE, JAPANESE AND ITALIAN food *GRIN* and also a person can be fed with ONE BLUE A-DOLLA, only at pasar malammmmm.

8. THE TRAFFIC CAPACITY ISN'T TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT IT CAN CAUSE IMMENSE STRESS at most, usually people get stuck in traffic during certain hours of the day and inda lama banar lah, at most probs one hour or less, most probs less. i think it goes on way longer in countries such as Bangkok, etc.

9. WEATHER ISN'T AS FICKLE yes, it's a hot country... but plessss enter room ada air cond what.... and countless times we've been blessed with rain.

10. IT'S HOME a place where my family resides. and that's what makes home a home ey? and no place feels like it ;)

admittedly, i could have come up with better reasons relative to some others i randomly thought of. but they're fine and now i'm off to working on why political intolerance damages the quality of democracy with reference to gay Americans.

oh and yes happy birthday, F square (yeah i can't get this to be mathematically programmed and type an indices), you STIG photogenix superstarz you.

salam, see you next time, insyaAllah.

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