Wednesday, August 12, 2009


i feel very half and half right now like 0.5 of me wants to be serious and the other 50 wants to laugh about something. how fitting. never mind that.

i don't know if any of you are counting but summer is just about half done. so that's okay right. I chose not to make an effort to find work this time and I haven't gone anywhere since I came home... which is fine.. cos I'm not really the type who itches to travel that kind of thing, just not that adventurous and you know, I travel when I travel. But should probably squeeze some of that when I go back to the UK, Insyallah.

ramadhan is coming soon. Should be very rewarding :) Insyallah Taala. you know, as I think about it, as lazy as this summer has been for me, there has been a lot of self reflection taking place. which is productive defo. you probably think that that's me trying to make myself feel better but no, it really is. I've been trying to excavate what this life is about and what lessons to take and that sort of stuff. probably doesn't make sense when you read this, it's a personal experience. and I'd like to think I grew up a little bit... let's face it, I need a lot of that. not self degradation, but you know, self criticism. reminder. whatever you wanna call it.

but this summer has turned out kind of funny in a way. a way that it turned out how i expected it to be but funnily, in some ways, it hasn't been what i thought it would be. heh. all in all, syukur Alhamdulillah.

also, happy birthday to Kaka Wani, abang Jirs, kaka Amal, Unggal and Ilyasa. August is always about you guys and you all are awesome and may Allah bless you and me for having you guys in my life <3.

oh. um. as hanisah ab has posted in some of her recent entries, or 2 weeks ago, there will be a kursus fiqh musafir which stretches from august 18th to the 20th. which is also spreading across facebook at this time now anyway. but good right. it's about time we have this kind of event filling in our page instead of some black and white or foam or school's out summer party. heh. so i hope you guys come because you have nothing to lose but much to gain. Insyallah it will be fruitful, hopefully i see some of you faces there.

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