all praises and thanks belong to Allah... salutations upon our beloved Rasulullah SAW.
sometimes things don't go as well as we planned them.
sometimes things don't go at all.
but that's life, you know... what would it be if it we were always to get what we wanted?
sometimes when things don't... go... are the way things are... supposed to go.
all i'm saying is that... above the list of problems that we claim to have... is the book of favours that we should be flipping its pages on... in which such a book is still being written...
yes the list of problems will also continue to expand... but so is the book of favours...
such is the nature of the human... o Allah...
being grateful is not merely Alhamdulillah on the tongue. what good are the words i love you if i don't actually... do?
o Allah, please guide us to truly be Your slaves who are always grateful to You allahumma aameen.
forgive me for all my errors and may Allah forgive us all aameen.