Friday, June 29, 2012

a means to get to an end


assalamualaikum wrb,

alhamdulillah, all praises and thanks belong to Allah, al Ghafur al Wadud.. greetings and salutations upon Rasulullah SAW.

i'm definitely not one who qualifies to talk about love. but somehow somewhat this topic has been up in the air for sooooo many of us, it's that age they say, hardyharhar. 

i guess love isn't about a man in a shining armor. it's probably not about his handsome and dashing style either. it maybe isn't the way he looks into your eyes too (um hello LYG?! as in lower. your. gaze! except if he was your husband!). there are a lot of things the fantasy world built up on what love is but really, it aint all of that. and we're all growing up to realize so. 

there are a lot of things that i don't know about love. and as much others think that falling in love many times have taught them about love, until we discover that love is not an end, rather a means... we may have a longer road to travel. 

i know very little. but oh well... here's to what i think love is... to love someone only because... he's led you to love the One Above more... the one who despite your flaws teaches you to have hope on the Most Merciful... the one who will raise our child in His path only to increase our ranks in His sight in the Hereafter... the one who will remind you away from your distractions and show you how to get to our ultimate destination... the one whose presence, wisdom, knowledge, love, character and heart only makes you feel closer to al Wadud... the source of all love ;') 

and don't fool ourselves into thinking that we are going to get this love before or outside marriage... no matter how much we think that beauty, intellect and whatsoever else shall take us to a little thing called love... have we forgotten that Allah says...

"(Lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat, dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat; dan (sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik, dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik. Mereka (yang baik) itu adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk) yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat); mereka (yang baik) itu akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah) dan pengurniaan yang mulia." (an Nur:26)

to fall in love with someone only to fall in love with You more, is the end. insyaAllah wa biiznillah...

astaghfirullah astaghfirullah astaghfirullah..


Saturday, June 16, 2012

different kind of summer approaching


assalamualaikum wrb,

alhamdulillah, all praises and thanks belong to Allah, ar Rahman ar Raheem, al Ghafur al Wadud. greetings and salutations upon our beloved Prophet SAW. 

hehehe... it's been a long time since the last post... i do miss writing... but for now, i'm just going to have to ramble about anything ;) hehehe i am quite the ranting kind of person if you haven't already noticed. 

so... this year's summer will be different... or is already different... usually i would already be counting the days to home. but no, perhaps it's better for my iman to stay during the summer... Allah knows best. currently struggling with dissertation because I keep changing my mind, unsure of what to focus on, I am so tied down to wanting to do something that is practical but i just don't quite know what. there are so many ideas but which ones to focus on? i suddenly thought about the financial crisis and how beyond the economics and politics and technicalities of risk that nobody really saw coming, essentially I believe that it was because of dishonesty and greed. disasters happen because we tend to make bad decisions. i know it sounds so simple and i don't think i can write this as a thesis because it sounds like a sweeping statement? and i haven't found literature that can back this argument up too.

but then again also, I am quite keen on development politics. the struggle for developing countries on catching up with globalization but at the same time, with some irony, globalization is pushing them backwards. yeah... but then again that's too broad! o Allah, please guide me to write about something that You want me to write about! 

ok enough about dissertation worries... hmmm... something else that also has been occupying my mind is about leaving the UK for good very soon. of course this deal was temporary, no body said we could stay as long as we liked. i guess it's just... sentimental you know. i was very young and naive and somewhat a different person coming here... and i would like to think that going back... i have somewhat matured, grown, and a different yet the same person... i must have lost a few things along the way but the people... the lessons... the... I have gained, are certainly Allah's way of replacing such losses... and when Allah replaces our lives with something, it's definitely for the better and is the best. 

i think i'd like to save this post for another time... but I think the best thing about the past 4 years... is falling in love with You, my Rabb... hehehe. no... I take that back actually... I don't think.. I know the best thing about the past 4 years is falling in love with Allah :'))) 

anyway i somehow foresee more writings about this different summer... maybe.. perhaps.. hehe.

may Allah forgive all our sins and errors ameen.
